„The Ecological Body“


14:30 - 18:00


mit Javier Cura

From nature to dance studio and back
Contact Improvisation – Taichi – Tango – Play fight

In contact with Nature, we will recover our original animal movement diversity and flow. In a smooth transition, we will then translate this experience to a mix of dance and movement disciplines ranging from Contact Improvisation, Taichi, Tango, Play fight and free dance.

This workshop is intended to everyone interested in movement creation as a path of knowledge, healing, communicating and enriching our life experience.

Javier Cura (Argentina) is a teacher, visual artist, theater director and movement trainer.

As a visionary and movement activist, he encourages all who are willing, to take care of their own vital movement needs. He believes that integrating movement diversity into our daily life, has a huge impact on our emotional, physical and mental health, as well as on the Planet’s ecology.

Through a mix of disciplines that nourish movement diversity, body awareness, consensual touch and creativity, he has created The Ecological Body, with the intention to reconnect with other beings and the Earth, our emotional, physical and spiritual being. www.javiercura.net

Video: „The Meaning of Movement“

CI Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-zqASLdktg


26.5.2022 / 10.00-18.00


Nature and Alte Werkstatt


€ 90,- / 75,- with registration AND payment until 8.5.22




…Details folgen…

Kontakt: Mag. Claudia Lui Springer

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